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Spray Diary

Spray Diary

With our Spray Diary, assign, record and visualise spray tasks across your farm at a click of a button. Users may create spray tasks from both the office’s desktop or on-the-go using our native application. Capture information effortlessly with our native app that works completely offline. Whether out in the paddock or across town, our farmers enjoy the best spray management tool for capturing costs and chemical use on the farm.


Creating a spray task on the web

Creating and receiving a spray task on mobile


TieUp Farming's Spray Diary makes it easy to record detailed spray tasks with simplicity. Assign the task to yourself or a field operator, select the areas to be sprayed and choose from your chemical and fertiliser list. You'll be given warnings on withholding and re-entry periods and pass audit requirements with ease.


Creating a spray task from your mobile is an easy and seamless task. Your field operator simply views spray tasks in the app, with detailed information quickly and easily understood and marks them in progress or complete as they go.


General Task

General Task

TieUp Farming Task Module allows horticultural managers to set, record and manage day-to-day activities across one farm or multiple properties.  Clock in and out your workers to capture their working time, whether by piece rate or hourly rate, translating to a comprehensive payroll report that works with your existing accounting software.


• instantly know where everyone is working in real time

• provides management with insights into the daily on-farm activities

Creating a task on both web and mobile


When creating a general task, on both web and mobile, first select the type of task that needs to be completed.

Creating a task on the web

Then, users are able to fill in all the general, instructional and task-specific information required for the task to be completed.


Creating a task on mobile

Similarly, go through the steps on our native mobile application to seamlessly create tasks to be done.

Clock in and out of tasks


Clocking workers in and out of tasks has never been easier. Simply select the workers to be clocked-in into the desired task and that’s it. After the day is done, clock them out, record any break time and the day’s working times have been recorded.

Harvest Module

Harvest Module


Field Scanning


With the help of QR code technology, Tie Up Farming’s harvest module records harvest data simply, effectively and rapidly. Supervisors on the field may associate pickers with the scanned bins to either pay them at piece rates or simply keep record for traceability purposes. Similarly, pictures of your harvested product can be associated to each bin for instant quality assurance.


The scanned bins can then be instantly seen on the web platform. Each scan can be manually edited for increased flexibility and usability. This powerful tool lets users understand, the group of pickers that picked any particular bins, where it was picked it and the quality of the harvest in one step.


Pick to Pack


For produce that are picked and packed on field, we offer a second harvest system where each picker is associated with a particular QR code. Pickers simply need to place their QR code sticker on the boxes they’ve picked while supervisors or shed operators scan these to record the location, box units, and quantities.

Suitable for Table Grapes, Berries, Cherries and more


Costs Represented

Costs Represented

Track your farm costs at a click of a button. Within our comprehensive cost reporting module, have a greater understanding of your variable costs throughout your operation.

Total operational costs


Granularity is what we offer


With our Farm Module, access your farm, block and patch cost information for each and every task that occurred. Users are able to drill down on the costs of a particular area of their farms to assess how much was spent on application tasks such as: spraying, spreading and fertigation as well as for any general tasks.



Scouting & Recommendation

Two modules, working as one


The Scouting and Recommendation modules allows internal and external agronomists to conduct on-farm scouting tasks and give recommendations on the course of action if issues are diagnosed.


Creating scouting task


In creating a Scouting task, simply name your task, select the date and select the area to scout. Task may be saved for later or you may choose to start scouting straight away.


Reporting an issue


When reporting an issue, simply press on the block you are currently in and select report issue. There, you will need to select the issue type and, optionally select the row, pressure rating and write comments on what you see. You may want to associate a photo with the description of the issue.


When selecting a completed scouting task, the users may edit all the parameters of the task, scroll through their work and/or create a recommendation task.

Completing a scouting task, and creating a recommendation


When the user selects “Create recommendation”, the recommendation module will automatically open. Here, the user will recommend on the actions to take following the scouting task findings.

Creating a recommendation from a scouting task


When the recommendation task is completed, the farm manager or owner will receive a notification signalling that a recommendation has been created.


The farm manger or owner can then assess the recommendation created by the agronomist and either accept or reject it.


When the recommendation is accepted, a new spray, spread, or fertigation task will be created on the application diary.

Recommendation task


Chemical and Fertiliser Inventory Module


Have full control over your inventory and more...


TieUp Farming's new Chemical and Fertiliser Inventory lets you manage your stock levels with ease. We created the most advanced and flexible agro-chemcial and fertilsier inventory system to suit all growing operations.  


Know exactly what you have in your sheds


From your sheds, add, edit and delete products from your inventory. Be in control of your stock level by setting thresholds for each products as well as editing product inventory levels after stocktake. 


Log your purchases with all critical information


Through the purchase history, log your past, present and future product orders. When the delivery date is passed, all your shed's inventory will be automatically updated according to the specified product delivery amounts.

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Banana Tagging System


This project was developed by Tie Up Farming, under the Multi-scale Monitoring Tools for Managing Australian Tree Crops: Phase 2 research project. This research is supported by Hort Innovation and six Australian industries: avocado, citrus, macadamia, mango, banana and olive. This project is a collaborative piece of work funded through the Australian Government’s Rural R&D for Profit initiative. The overarching program is continuing the development, trial and extension of technology-based crop mapping and monitoring tools to help growers in predicting fruit quality and yield, and monitoring tree health – including in the early detection of pest and disease outbreaks.

How can this technology help your farming operation?

We identified that there must be improvement in yield forecasting accuracies in the banana industry. Increasing pre- harvest yield accuracy assures an increase in produce delivery confidence, better harvest planning and storage requirements and improved cashflow budgeting.


Our banana tagging system requires to tag the banana bunch in the process of bagging. The tagging system, using RFID technology, captures the exact location of the bunch (up to 0.1 cm accuracy) on the farm, the worker that bagged the bunch and the date of bagging.


During harvest, the banana bunch will be weighed and scanned in the packing shed. The weight of the banana bunch will be associated directly to the corresponding plant on the field. As the data accumulates and in conjunction with Tie Up Farming’s Spray Diary, Task Management and Harvest modules, our algorithm will be able to accurately predict what to expect for the following growing seasons for each plant on your farm based on what was done to them and prior harvest data.

Tags are represented on Tie Up Farming’s Dashboard.

The Dashboard


The steps for tagging bunches:

    • Connect the GPS device to Tie Up Farming’s native


    • Select the Farm, Block and, Row number (if any).


   • Start scanning!


The scanning data automatically uploads to the cloud and works completely offline.

Tagging Bunches


Here's what we have coming up

Chemical and fertiliser inventory management - working on now (in QA) 
Optimising Spray Dairy module
Optimising Harvest module
What's Coming
Adding more reports 
Machinery Maintenance and Monitoring module


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©2021 TieUp Farming

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